Response to Brother Kevin's Pessimism
At 2/10/2005 05:44:50 PM, Kyle Michaelis said...
It's true Dems are on the defensive and that's not the way to offer true leadership. But our stagnation is the fruit of our success. We are proud of the work of almost 60 years of Democratic Congressional leadership, not to mention the leaps in freedom spear-headed by the Kennedy-Johnson Administrations, and we aren't quite sure where to go from here. Thus, we've become the party of the status quo even when we're out of power because we generally like things the way they are and think Americans feel the same way. We think "the dream" is within reach with minor tweaking here and there if it's even attainable at all.
The American people as a whole have not shown a willingness to embrace bold initiatives from the vantage of comfort and security that is their current state (in theory). The timidness of the restive American populace has resulted in our near-terminal complacency interrupted only by Republican attempts to dismantle the system of which we are so proud - not as the best of all possible worlds but as a pretty good place to be at a pretty good time in history. We're not on the mountaintop but seem to have put our trust in the course of human events (the natural evolution of man) to carry us the rest of the way...if only those nasty Republicans would cease their attempts to restrain enlightenment's progress.
Is this all a bit far-fetched? Absolutely. But it is also illustrative of the (perhaps false) sense of security that surrounds being an American in the 21st Century. Democrats have offered programs aplenty that would make this country a better place to live, from voting rights to TRUE health care reform to plans that extend Social Security indefinitely without violating the sacred trust from which it was born. These just haven't been tied together. They aren't clicking. That's not a reason to give up hope. It's not a reason to seek "greener" pastures under a different label. If we are what we like to think we are, if we deserve the legacy with which we've been entrusted, we'll keep on fighting harder, smarter, with better ideas and stronger initiative until - Damn It - we get it right.
Lead, follow, or get out of the way. I've had enough of arm-chair quarterback strategists, talking heads, and would-be revolutionaries (especially myself). Practice what you preach and let's, I believe the saying is, "get'er done."
"Kramer for Senate"...Ha! - keep them fingers crossed E.B.N. I wouldn't mind being able to focus all our energies on the statehouse.
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