Monday, January 03, 2005

Re: The "new" Republican strategy

At 12/30/2004 12:18:45 PM, Kyle Michaelis said...

This fire was burning long before Atwater,Ditto-heads, and the "Southern Strategy." Also, surely you know better than to believe there's ever been anything gentlemanly about politics, at least in a democracy.

The Republican Party is only where it is today by molding its message to fit the people's mistrust of government and distaste for taxes. That, right there, is the root of their power and their success. Everything else is icing on the cake that effectively covers their blatant hypocrisy.

Don't buy into THEIR culture war. It doesn't need to be fought, as it's nowhere near as adversarial as some like to believe. This is not an us vs. them sort of thing. There's any number of us's that differ largely by a matter of a few degrees.

The same applies in response to this Red-Blue fanaticism spawned by Tim Russert's marker board. "Red State Mania" is little more than over-hyped myopia and frustration on the part of the left (us). When we truly start to believe in it and shape our policies and image around it, that's when we've truly lost.

We will never divide the American people as well as they do (at least, not intentionally). We have to move past this nonsense, and just keep on keeping on, trusting the American people to decide their own fate. Give the people hope, and progress will follow. If that doesn't hold true, we're all screwed anyway.

We didn't light it, but we try to fight it.

Nebraska Democratic Party Blog: Holiday Season Open Thread


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