Getting "Big Picture" by thinking smaller (Commentary)
At 1/20/2005 04:09:17 PM, Kyle Michaelis said...
As much as I love "hearing myself type" about national affairs, especially my distaste for Bush Administration policies, I really think we'd be better served addressing more local concerns on this board. Am I wrong?
There are any number of places for chatting about Bush's latest blunder. What's lacking is a forum to bring in new voices and to help shape an agenda right here in Nebraska.
Of course, on the matter of DNC Chair our state leadership has a say so it's great they can get feedback from us. It's also important to have an occasional discussion on the BIG issues of our day for purposes of venting and community-building (staying in-touch with the grass roots). However, the real potential I see is in discussing local politics, critiquing local media, and spot-lighting local affairs that would otherwise slip through the cracks of Section C in the World-Herald and Journal-Star.
For instance, last week World-Herald mainstay Harold Andersen wrote a column (or part of a column, as is his "style") about how much bettter it would be if Nebraska's legislature were officially partisan. Among his reasons was the idea that it would make the Nebraska Democratic Party stronger. Whether you agree with him or not (I DO NOT), this is exactly the sort of thing we should be talking about. Today another column ran in response (from a former Daub staff member) praising this ill-intended plan to the hilt, even suggesting Nebraska Dems support the idea. This is how an issue gets made, even if it takes years to build steam, as the public hears zero honest discussion of the ramifications of such a change. Though I wouldn't expect the state party to take an immediate stance on a mere notion, this place could at least function as a response center to gauge what our people are thinking and when it is time to make a statement.
On the slew of legislative bills introduced in the Unicameral this week, this site could serve an even more important function, as many of them SHOULD be addressed by the state party leadership (whether speaking as individuals or in accordance with the platform). So long as we avoid name-calling and personal attacks (between ourselves and against Republicans), nothing but good can arise from discussing such issues on this blog. Again, the state party doesn't need to take a just needs to express an interest and indicate "hey, we're listening". Isn't that why this site exists?
I'd also like to see the administrators of this blog post some sort of policies or ground rules. In fact, I'd say it's essential if this experiment is to succeed. Since this has the potential to be something of a public face for the party, it's important that there be expectations of participants (i.e. language) and rules for moderators. At the very least, there should be a policy established for editing and deleting comments. Maybe it seems like more trouble than it's worth, but should this blog ever funcion as intended guidelines will prove invaluable. I also suggest a liability disclaimer, so people understand the state party is not endorsing or responsible for the comments made here. Do it. Now.
When that's taken care of, you may even consider trying to get this place some media coverage. The state party embracing the 21st Century and opening its doors (even metaphorically) to the public certainly seems news-worthy to me. Of course, word of mouth is a bit better at keeping away echo chamber extremists and the most vociferous of our detractors. Ultimately, that's going to be your call. I understand either way.
In summation...yes, I have thoughts on Inauguration day...if I have time, I may even share them. But, I think we'll be more effective as a neighborhood watch than a presidential watch dog. As indiviuals we can make a difference nationally, but our power and purpose as "Nebraska Democrats" begins at home.
Nebraska Democratic Party Blog: Open Thread
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